Arvid Nordquist takes another climate-reducing step with 100% fossil-free seafreight

From January 2025, Arvid Nordquist will take another step in its sustainability work by introducing fossil-free sea transport in collaboration with the logistics company Scanlog. A measure that reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 100%. This new solution means that Arvid Nordquist will purchase ISCC-certified biofuel according to the mass balance principle and the entire process will be third-party verified.

Scanlog’s service is unique in its kind as it is carrier neutral and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 100%. The solution is based on liquid biogas, also known as LBG – Liquid Bio Gas, which is produced from manure from Europe and is the biofuel that provides the greatest emission reduction compared to fossil fuels. This method follows the guidelines set by the Smart Freight Centre (SFC) and makes it possible to take responsibility for the emission reduction in the value chain.

– We are very proud of this collaboration with Scanlog. By purchasing ISCC-certified biofuel according to the mass balance principle, we can significantly reduce our climate footprint from sea freight, and the collaboration with Scanlog makes this change possible. Ensuring fossil-free sea transport is an important step in our long-term sustainability work,
says Peter Dannqvist, Supply Chain Director at Arvid Nordquist.

Scanlog and Arvid Nordquist have collaborated for many years with each other, both in sea and rail transport. We are two companies with a strong sustainability focus and big ambitions, so it feels great that we are developing together in this area. Coffee is a product that is loved by many and together we must prevent climate change so that we can drink good coffee in the future, says Matilda Jarbin, Chief Sustainability & Communications Officer at Scanlog.


Read Arvid Nordquist’s press release here:

Arvid Nordquist takes another climate-reducing step with 100% fossil-free sea transport | Arvid Nordquist Coffee Roastery


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