Scanlog joins the UN Global Compact

Scanlog joins the UN Global Compact and thus joins the world’s largest sustainability network in the private sector.

The UN Global Compact is based on the Ten Principles, which are conducted on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration and the UN Convention against Corruption. As a member, you commit to apply the Ten Principles throughout your business and integrate them into your business strategies and business processes. The principles are divided into the areas of human rights, labour law, climate and anti-corruption. The principles are divided into the areas

  • Human rights
  • Labour law
  • Climate change
  • Anti-corruption


– For us at Scanlog, it is a matter of course to work according to the ten principles. By joining the UN Global Compact, this is clarified both internally and externally, and we contribute to a joint effort on these issues. We see great value in the membership, not least for the knowledge we can obtain, says Matilda Jarbin, Chief Sustainability and Communications Officer at Scanlog.

The United Nations Global Compact was initiated in 2000 by the then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. It was after the World Economic Forum in Davos in 1999 that the UN, together with the private sector, academia and trade unions, concluded that increased cooperation was needed to create better conditions in the global market. The parties agreed on a set of principles for business to respect the protection of international human rights, uphold freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, support a precautionary approach to the environment and promote greater environmental responsibility, and last but not least, to work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Today, the UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. With over 22,000 members in 169 countries, the Global Compact supports companies and organizations in their strategic sustainability work.


#Scanlog #Responsiblelogistics #weloveourcustomers

For more information, feel free to contact Matilda Jarbin,


Scandinavian Logistics Partners AB ( is a Swedish-owned logistics company specializing in international transport by rail, sea, road and air. We are passionate about Responsible Logistics – focused on cost-efficiency, reduced environmental impact and high quality. Scanlog has about 50 co-workers in four offices in Sweden and one in Norway, a turnover of approximately 500 MSEK and was appointed Gasell Company by Swedish daily Dagens Industri in 2017, 2018 and in 2019. Scanlog is accredited with the ISO quality- and environmental management standards.


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