
Scanlogs strategy is divided into three areas: A sustainable business, Our climate pledge and A loving company. These areas represent our work with economic, environmental and social sustainability. The strategy is the way forward for how Scanlog will go from being a logistics company that works with sustainability to a sustainable company that works with logistics.

Strategy to become a sustainable company working with logistics


Scanlog’s motto is Responsible logistics. For us, this means we create optimized logistics solutions that are cost-efficient with high quality and low negative environmental impact. Responsible logistics is, in our opinion, a prerequisite for being able to do sustainable business.

Scanlog must be run with profitability and good business ethics. We are honest and do not tolerate any form of corruption, bribery or unethical business practices. All our suppliers and their subcontractors must follow our Code of Conduct.

We strive for economic growth within the planetary boundaries. This means that we are trying to reduce our negative environmental and climate impact while we are growing and increasing our turnover.

We at Scanlog believe in change and continuous development. Therefore, we want to challenge existing solutions and conservative structures in our industry. The most important thing we can do is to create innovative logistics solutions in a new, more efficient way. It’s good for us, our customers and our planet.


In all cases where it is economically justifiable, we will always choose the most climate-efficient alternative regardless of whether it would be more economically profitable to choose another alternative with a higher negative climate footprint.

At Scanlog, we are convinced that the future is fossil-free. 14 % of all the world’s greenhouse gas emissions are generated by the transport sector. As part of this industry, we must take our responsibility and work actively to reduce both our own and our customers’ emissions.

We shall be a thought leader in the industry. With expertise in sustainable logistics and the courage to execute new, innovative solutions in practice, we shall drive the transition towards a fossil-free transport sector.

Scanlog’s biggest emissions are generated in the transports we carry out for our clients. Therefore, optimization, emission reduction and carbon offsetting are part of our customer offer. We work according to the principle Analyse, Optimize, Reduce and Compensate, in that order of priority.

We are well aware that we are dependent on our suppliers and our customers to succeed in reaching our climate goals. Communication and training are important parts of this work to try to influence our partners in the right direction. Together we can reach net-zero emissions!

Overall goals:

  • We will have net zero emissions by 2050 according to SBTi
  • We will be fossil-free in the Nordics by 2025.
  • In 2025, we will develop a verified climate target for 2030 according to SBTi


Scanlog was founded in 2013 with one purpose – to show that it is possible to run a company with responsibility as the key concept. We take responsibility for our value chain, both upstream and downstream. We are the loving company.

We value our partners. We know that we depend on the entire value chain and that we create the best solutions together. Our treatment of customers, suppliers and co-workers must be characterized by professionalism, accessibility and caring.

Scanlog chooses suppliers with care where our motto Responsible logistics is the watchword. A responsible procurement for us includes social, environmental and financial sustainability.

Our biggest asset is our co-workers. A prosperous workplace is a prerequisite for running a business. We have attractive offices where our co-workers want to spend time in order to receive and give positive energy.

Scanlog should grow to create opportunities for our co-workers to develop. We value diversity and we care about people.

Overall goals:

  • Lean – The Scanlog way will be implemented throughout the company
  • Employee satisfaction should amount to at least 8 out of 10
  • We will have a health attendance > 98%
  • Customer satisfaction should be minimum 4.5 out of 5

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